Out with the old.......In with the new you

"If you want to keep getting what your getting keep doing what you've been doing" Les Brown
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I want you to read this passage and if this applies to you then you are in the right place.

Life for you is very routine, it varies very little. You do the same things every day Eat,Sleep,Work oh yea and Watch TV. There are too many hours in the day for you. When at work you look at the clock and hate the fact that you have 8 more hours to go. You have been persuaded by your peers, family, friends, society and the media to conform to a lifestyle that only makes you dread getting out of the bed.  When you wake you lay in the bed and contemplate whether today is the day you quit or not. Yet you still go in. Keeping up with the Joneses makes you wish you could relocate.  Your only real motivation is to not be hassled. Your dreams have been either crushed or hidden in some area in your mind that you cant even find. Too often you want to hit the restart button on your life thinking is  this who you were meant to be?? A mindless drone a follower. As a child you were devoted to being a great person, then you became an adult cut off from your paradise because of responsibility. You are not satisfied with your life. Every one tells you what to do they don't want you to follow your own path.  Your world lacks adventure and risk. When you were younger you had outlets for these drives. Then something happened. Your individuality became oppressed. You gave into a system designed to suck life out of you with out  putting anything into it.

If you found yourself nodding to any of this then you need to wakup and become extraordinary. Now to invoke change one must first give up the old mentalities and habits and adopt new ones. This is what the armed services does to enable you to become who you should be to best serve your country. All you need to do is realize your potential and understand what you want. I want to give you Power, Control and Courage to be your dream. Your "Power" comes from  learning to accept or ignore the opinions of others. Because your "Greatness" enables others to become great as well.  You have to be Bold, hesitate and you will continue to pay for it. Stop disappointing your self by subscribing to a life that isn't designed for your happiness. Because if you aren't happy how can anyone else around you be. Get your self straight today its not too late. And when you do you will be amazed at what you can do and how well you can do it

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